Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A note from Crystal

When I came home today, I found this little note on my desk. Although there are some spelling mistakes and grammar errors but it's alright. It is the thought that counts. I am very touched by what she said.
I love you, darling. You're the best daughter.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Crystal wanted to learn cycling on a 2 wheels bicycle so we went East Coast Park on Sunday (19 Sep 10). On the way there, we were talking about how long Keith took to learn cycling on 2 wheels... about 5 hours (spread over 3 days). Then we just joking said that for Crystal, she will need at least 1 week... haha

But to our surprise, she took only 2 hours to master it (although I still need to hold her bike before she start off). I was so happy cos I do not have to keep holding her bike and follow her... I was so super tired...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A visit to Sentosa on 8 Sep 2010

Keith feeding the Sting Ray

Japan Spider King Crab

Sea Dragon

Jelly fishes

Underwater Tunnel

Jelly Fish Tank

Home for the clown fish - Anemone

It is feeding time! Can you spot the diver?

Our 1st visit to Universal Studio in Singapore (just the outside)... haha